My tip may seem to be rather odd, but it can be a life saver- or at least a travel saver. See, I went to Iowa for a friend's wedding, and got my hair cut short. Ten inches off and donated to Locks of Love. The problem was that I only had a driver's license as a photo ID, and was using a bank receipt and SS card as back up IDs. No problem leaving. But then in Iowa, trying to fly home, the security officer looks at my drivers license of me as a long-haired sixteen-year-old, and says, "This isn't you." I laughed, I thought she was joking...she wasn't. I stood there panicking, trying to push the bank receipt on her, but she just kept repeating, "No. This in NOT you." My friend was verifying my Id, I was pulling out my SS card and insurance card, searching for my debit- which I've hide in my purse because then when souvenir shopping I have to think about if this cheesey junk is worth the effort. But she won't have it, instead she is insisting I ...