Nut Tip of the Day

Before you go on a wild goose chase to find a particular variety of nut to toast for a fancy-schmancy recipe for your friend's birthday, research all of the possible names of said nuts. I didn't know that hazelnuts were also called "filberts," and they can be found at your friendly Liquor Barn. It's good to purchase an extra bag to prevent further nut emergencies, especially if it's autumn, since some nuts are apparently seasonal.


Stephanie said…
Ok, so I just want to point out the Bojangles cameo.

I miss Bojangles so much. :-(
Jay said…
Didn't Bojangles close down from a salmonella or E-Coli scare? Also, glad to see the link to "emergencies" didn't include nut making it "nut emergencies." I'm pretty sure that's a link I don't want to ever see.
Pete said…
Jen and I almost went to a Bojangles on our honeymoon. But alas there were too many other good places to eat, we never got around to it.

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