Trampoline Tip of the Day

If your jumping on a trampoline over at someone elses house (ed note: also known as trespassing) barefoot make sure you watch out for those traingle shaped hook attachments. Jumping on one can cause some major bleeding!


Jay said…
Yes, in fact, this is why we at Pete and Jay Enterprises do NOT endorse trespassing to jump on others' tramps, snorkel in others' ho-tubs, bask in others' saunas, etc. Because in this sue-happy world we live in, even though someone was trespassing, the owner could, in some situations, be held liable for injuries. So, the moral of the story? No trespassing!
CGrim said…
Father, forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who have trespassed against us.
vander said…
Yes, yes, forgiveness. But who's going to disinfect the trampoline?

Gross. Bloody jumpers.

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