Micro-Meal Tip of the Day

Often times microwaveable meals have very detailed instructions, at least up until the "eat" part. Usually it tells you to cut a slit in the plastic, microwave on high for 4 minutes, let stand for 1-2 minutes, and then the somewhat elusive "enjoy." So, if you're insanely bored some day, call the customer service number on the package and explain to them that you're "not from around here" and you got through all the steps but you don't understand how you're supposed to "enjoy" their product. What exactly do they mean? Sure to get a laugh from you, and a story for the representative to tell their friends!


Amanda said…
Did you actually do this?
JCo said…
And what on earth did they say??
Inquiring minds want to know.
Jay said…
OK, I TOTALLY just did this. I didn't when I wrote the tip, but just did. Here were the results. They were HILARIOUS: First, I donned a somewhat-asian, somewhat-indian, somewhat drunken accent and called "Lean Cuisine." I got a customer service rep that was a guy, probably around my age. My accent was a bit high-pitched, so he kept referring to me as "ma'am." I explained to him that I followed all the instructions, but did not know what the final step was, "Enjoy." He explained that "enjoy" was basically "enjoying my meal." I told him I did not know what "enjoy" meant. He gathered all the product information about my food, and then explained that enjoying is very similar to eating, but it's just eating making you happy. "We want you to be happy eating our product," he explained, to which I said, "I was VERY happy eating your product!" He thanked me and I could tell was on the verge of laughing, and offered to send me coupons too!
Jay said…
Jay said...
I think I probably made the guy's day. He's probably used to hearing middle-aged women complain about how they burnt their tongue because there wasn't a warning about the product being hot. Or how the package didn't say the product may contain peanut extract or something.
Amanda said…
Anonymous said…
You're awesome... Thanks for holding back your laughter on the phone...in the name of science...

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