Safari Tip of the Weekend

I know there has been a time when you really wanted to save the video or MP3 you were watching/listening to on a web site, but they weren't nice enough to provide a "download" link for the file. This tip works for many files on many sites but not all by any means.

In Safari, while on the page you want to get the movie from. Then, open up the "Activity" Window from the "Windows" menu. Look for a .mov, .wmv, or .mp3 file that should be downloading. You can Option Double Click on path name, and that should add it to your download manager, and start downloading.

Firefox calls it "Page Info" (under the Tool's menu, or Command-i for Mac users) and shows you all the plugins, content and files the page has loaded. Images, video and audio will be under the "Media" tab. It will allow you to click "Save As" if you're on a file.

Updated Oct 26th with Firefox Instructions.


Jay said…
This is a GREAT tip. I seriously never knew you could do that. I think that Firefox has an Activity monitor for all our PC friends.
Jay said…
Yes, Firefox calls it "Page Info" and shows you all the plugins, content and files the page has loaded. It will allow you to click "Save As" if you're on a file. Just hit CTRL-i (or CMD-i for Mac) to access "Page Info" in Firefox.
Pete said…
Great Follow up Jason, I did not know that. I use Firefox most, but had been using Safari when I needed to do this.
Pete said…
As it turns out, Control-i doesn't bring up that menu on windows. It doesn't have any keyboard command, but you can find it under the "Tools" menu.

Thanks Charlie

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