Apparel Tip of the Day

Attention all Lexington, Kentucky residents. Video Supreme in the Boston Road Shopping Center (off Man O War), despite the name, is not a video store just for the perverse of society. No, in fact, it's just a regular old video store where you can use your free birthday rental to get the straight-to-video "Kronk's New Groove." I don't know why you'd do that, but apparently that's what some people do. So much more than that though, Video Supreme, in a weird melding of worlds, also carries a stock of American Apparel merchandise. If you're not familiar with the hot, L.A. clothing manufacturer, we suggest you cozy up. A sweatshop-free manufacturer and retailer, American Apparel makes clothes that are high-quality and very hip... and are never on sale. Nor can they be found anywhere around here. Until, Video Supreme that is, where every item is now 50%. We don't know how it happened, but if a stranger hands you candy, do you question it? Ok, bad example. Nonetheless, we highly recommend you take advantage of this sale. Hurry up now, before Christine and I clean them out.


CGrim said…
if a stranger hands you candy, do you question it?

Ha! I guess that depends on the candy...

Does anyone know what those peanut butter things are that come wrapped in orange and black waxed paper? you only see them around halloween, and they scare me a little bit.
Jay said…
In other words, if you plan on renting a video from Video Supreme and you bring girls with you, make sure to give yourself an extra half hour, and prepare to say nice things about soft pink sweat pants. I also heard that if you need to try your clothes on, you can use the "Adult Room™"
Jules said…
don't lie. you love the soft pink sweat pants. i rephrase, "you love your girlfriend in the soft pink sweat pants." you don't know what you'd do without the soft pink sweat pants, and in fact, you're wondering how you made this far in life without them.
CGrim said…
Also, be prepared for the cashier to take a half hour (per item of clothing) ringing your order up, all the while commenting on how no one ever buys the clothes there.
CGrim said…
and asking "Do you guys have fitting rooms?" is actually a pretty funny idea, considering what their first thought will be
Jay said…
Jules, yes. You're right. The sweat pants are hot. Andy, I personally liked how the cashier started to say, "the sweat pants are due back on Monday at midnight..." but then stopped herself. "Oh wait. I guess you can keep them." What would be HILARIOUS is if in about a month Julie and Christine get the largest late fee bill of their lives when their clothes haven't been returned on time.
Jay said…
And I hear Abercrombie has a small boutique in Kroger now.
CGrim said…
Or the next rental: "I'm sorry, we can't rent any more movies out to you until you return the hot sweat pants you're wearing. We have a waiting list with 20 names of people who want to wear those."

And I feel like Kroger's main disadvantage is lack of a fitting room. Although the pharmacy could work I suppose.
Anonymous said…
yes we do have sales sometimes at American Apparel. Right now some dance items are on sale (not much longer though...). And our website you can get a deal on a cropped T-shirt. To see how, check out:
CGrim said…
sweet, Ive been waiting for a good deal on a cropped t-shirt. guys, will this look good on me?

thanks, friendly neighborhood American Apparel person!
Pete said…
Ok, so if we have a real person from American Apparel commenting, I've got one question for ya. Is Video Supreme really selling reall genuine American Apparel clothes or is it a cheap knock off, and the tags might say "A Malaysian Apparel" if you looked at them hard enough?
Jay said…
Andy, yes--you would look hot in a cropped tee. It would bring out your, eh... assets.
Jay said…
Pete, GREAT question. Something I've been asking XT for a long time. You see people do crap like that in NYC all the time. Foakley's anyone?
CGrim said…
Or they sell you genuine items that are clearly stolen...

Steal a rolex watch, sell it for $50, it's still 100% profit, baby!

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