Home Electronics Tip of the Day

If a stranger on the street wants to sell you a flat-screen TV at a bargain price, it's probably a good idea to open the box to make sure you're getting what you paid for.


Kris said…
On Jay Leno's "Sold or not sold", someone sold the box for an X-Box for almost $1000...I wonder if they thought the box was full.
Pete said…
Rob the Intern said he was from South Bend too.
CGrim said…
Everytime I look at that article, it makes me laugh. Imagine being all excited about your new flatscreen tv, and you open the box and find... an oven door!

haha... even better if it's still all blackened and greasy...
Jules said…
yeah, Blair, we have interns on occasion here at 8G. whipping boys, we like to call them. peter was a whipping boy once. if you're nice, we'll tell you stories.

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