Phobia List of the Day

Phobias we all have them. Everyone knows what claustrophobia is but do you know what dikephobia or iophobia is? Here are some of my favorites.

Bolshephobia - Fear of Bolsheviks
Geliophonia - Fear of laughing
Lachanophobia - Fear of vegetables
Leukophobia - Fear of the color white
Porphyrophobia - Fear of the color purple
Triskaidekaphonia - Fear of the number 13

Go here for the complete list


Jay said…
I think both Blair and Kyle clearly have Lachanophobia.
CGrim said…
i totally have Bolshephobia
CGrim said…
To save them for secret snacking later?

"I cuss, you cuss, we all cuss for asparagus!"
- The Far Side
Pete said…
I think Pablo the dog also has Lachanopobia.

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