Gas Tip of the Day

With gas prices officially out of control. Maybe its time to move to an area of the country with cheaper gas. Maybe to the next county, or maybe to Albany Wyoming.


JCo said…
Pete said…
Reminds me of a play

Click "Branded Content" then "American Express" then "Watch: Unifrom"

You have to wati till just about the end. TI's 4:30 into the 5 minute piece
CGrim said…
wow. sucks to be in California...
Jay said…
I say it's time to start drilling in Alaska™
Jay said…
BTW, the current free MP3 is REAAAALY good. Me likey.
Jules said…
that free mp3 is a little post-Blink 182 work from Tom DeLonge, for those of you who didn't know or who would care. DeLonge cites this work as "the most incredible music not only that he has written, but that he has ever heard." whoa. uh, cool.
Jay said…
So in other words, I have great taste in music. Or, he's a really arrogant guy. Maybe both.
CGrim said…
Or he hasnt heard much music
CGrim said…
it tastes like vegetables

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