Reveal Tip of the Weekend

We all love how standard-fare programs on your Mac organize your music, photos, videos, fonts, etc. But occasionally, you may need to locate an actual MP3 from your iTunes playlist to email to a friend (Note: Pete & Jay Enterprises does not condone illegal, illicit music piracy.) or locate a font and send it to a printer, etc. While Macs make it easy to store and organize such files, you don't want to have to go through countless subfolders to find that song or font. But, Mac makes it easy (if you know the shortcut) to easily locate these files in Finder. If you're in most programs, hitting "Command-R" (for REVEAL) will reveal the file in its Finder window.


CGrim said…
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CGrim said…
Avast! I condone music piracy! Yarrr! String the studio execs up from the mizzenmast!
CGrim said…
whoops. clearly, I cant even figure out how to use blogger comments.


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