Landscaping Tip of the Day II
Citizen Grim recommends the following plants for all of your shade/sun requirements:
Part shade:
Another thing that looks good is to alternate sizes and textures - tall things in the back, short in the front

Or you can have some grassy-looking things with some more leafy-looking things. Rocks generally look nice. Here's an

Variety is ideal, as long as you keep things together that like similar amounts of sunlight & moisture.
- Pieris: (I know they have some at Lowe's right now. They stay green all winter, and have lots of little flowers all over in the spring)
- Bleeding Heart: (they bloom around June, then die off. Gets its name from shape of the flowers)
- Ferns (need to stay wet, and out of the wind, but otherwise should be fairly easy to grow)
- Hostas: (low and leafy, generally like the same environment as ferns)
Part shade:
- Climbing Hydrangea: (a flowering vine that can get pretty large, and comes back every year, looks good on fences or trellises)
- Daylilies: (they grow along the sides of roads everywhere, and bloom in the summer)
- Japanese maple: (these don't get very big, and they look pretty cool. The prices reflects this, though)
- Azaleas: (I think you picked up some of these from wal-mart, they don't like extreme heat or cold, but they get covered with flowers)
- Euonymous (I think this is at Lowe's, too. It's basically a shrub that spreads, staying low to the ground, so it looks good in front of windows)
- Spreading Yew: (similar to the above, this evergreen stays fairly low, and gets little red berries on it. Don't eat them, though.)
- Flowers: (I think most flowers out there prefer full sun. You can pretty much browse a garden center in May or June to see what sort of flowers appeal to you. Remember that annuals won't come back next year)
- Dwarf Fruit trees: (obviously, trees can get pretty large, but you can get dwarf fruit trees, cherry trees, etc that will only get about 15 feet tall, and 10 feet wide, which might be nice for the corner of your yard - they tend to have tiny flowers all over in the spring, and can grow fruit)
Another thing that looks good is to alternate sizes and textures - tall things in the back, short in the front
Or you can have some grassy-looking things with some more leafy-looking things. Rocks generally look nice. Here's an
Variety is ideal, as long as you keep things together that like similar amounts of sunlight & moisture.