Submarine Tip of the Day VI

Despite any urges you might have, do not EVER sing the song "Yellow Submarine" if you're a naval seaman. We're not positive, but you'll probably be flogged and thrown to the jellyfish. If you should sing the song, and get thrown to the jellyfish, we're told by expert sources that peeing on your jellyfish sting will help alleviate the swelling and stinging.


Amanda said…
The danger of jellyfish is one of the many reasons to wear a wet suit while scuba diving. The material will protect you from the sting, so you don't have to pee on yourself.
Anonymous said…
Better yet why dont you just go scuba diving in a pool. All the fun none of the marine life.
Jay said…
Ah, but none of the mystery, the intrigue, the "deep down below!" And you don't get to see barnacles n' sh**.
Amanda said…
You said barnacles.

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