Oral Tip of the Day

1 out of 1 dental assistants I've seen in the last 2 years have said, "using toothpaste with tartar control is known to cause sensitive teeth." So it may actually be more beneficial to floss and brush twice daily with non-tartar control toothpaste!


Kris said…
well, that explains it then! I thought it was, well, I don't know what I thought it was, thanks Jay!
JCo said…
I have been using tartar control tooth paste most of my life and I have yet (knock on wood) to have sensative teeth. Plus...flossing is such a pain, I just can't get into the habit of flossing regularly. I am one of those people that floss a week before a dentist appointment and that is about it unless I have had an encounter with corn on the cobb.
vander said…
One out of one dentists told me that anything that whitens teeth causes sensitivity. Flossing is more important than brushing, so I've heard.

Jen, I'm a major supporter of floss-on-a-stick instead of the stringy kind. I never flossed before I invested in one of those. The old-school method is definitely a pain unless you have perfectly spaced teeth.

Fitting that we have this discussion after yesterday's sugary tea topic.
Pete said…
I'm totally with you on the flossing bit Jen. I just can't get into it. The worst part is the floss digging into your fingers, and it just gets tighter and tighter. I do have that fancy Gore® floss, which helps. Luckily most of my teeth are spaced far enough apart to get a toothbrush in, unfortunately that means my back teeth are closer together than most.
Jay said…
Flossing is a pain, but now that I've been doing it for a little while, if I don't, my teeth feel NASTY to me. I love being able to blow air through those tight spaces :-) Call me crazy. Once you get a rhythm down, you can floss in less than a minute. Sometimes I get so excited about flossing my teeth I can hardly stand it!
Pete said…
Now Jason, I don't know if I would classify you under the same tooth care category as the rest of the world. You spend more time brushing your teeth then anyone else I have ever seen. So flossing is probably just part of your oral fixation.
Kris said…
If Julia Roberts can do it in "Pretty Woman", so can we all!
Stephanie said…
Guess what, kids. Whitening toothpaste does the same! I was told to stop using it because it was making my teeth more sensitive.

Dental floss on a stick is cool, but I find that you have to buy the name-brand kind (can't think of that right now). The generic brands don't cut it--the floss gets too loose and it frays.

On bleeding gums. They say if your gums bleed really easily, it could be a sign that you're pregnant. But I guess you don't need to worry about that unless your chromosomes match...and well, you know.
Amanda said…
Balance...if you brush too hard, it can cause damage. Be careful! http://aolsvc.health.webmd.aol.com/content/article/67/79977.htm
Kris said…
Plaque is another cause of bleeding gums...so my dentist tells me.

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