Gas Tip of the Day
You all know about the numbs on most gas pumps that allow you to lock the pump in place so you don't have to stand there holding it for 5 minutes. Well as you have also noticed, not all pumps have this feature. There are a couple of things you can do about it. One, is never shop at that gas station again. Aka. give em some good old kick in the shins capitalism style. But before you can do that you still need gas and you can just jam your gas cap in there to keep it running.
And don't worry, you're not going to make a mess, gas pumps have that handy cut off feature, the same one you use if the pump had the little notches still there.
Big thanks to Joe B on this one.
And don't worry, you're not going to make a mess, gas pumps have that handy cut off feature, the same one you use if the pump had the little notches still there.
Big thanks to Joe B on this one.
It was terrible.
If someone lit a match within 20 feet of me, I probably would have exploded into flame on the spot.