TSA Tip of the Day
If you happen to strategically pack a suitcase so that literally not an OUNCE of free space exists, that suitcase will undoubtedly either 1.) be about 52 pounds, and unable to pass without a $50 fee, or 2.) be heavily screened by the TSA resulting in them opening and searching your bag, and then being unable to close it without approximately 80 yards of "Inspected by TSA" tape sealing it.
OK, so maybe I'm not that methodical, but it's important that the expandable part of the suitcase isn't expanded when I leave, because it's sure going to have to be expanded on the way home--everyone knows that your packed stuff "grows" while you're traveling. And it's heartbreaking to have to leave "stuff" that you've acquired in the hotel room when you leave.
Alright, back to work.