Leftover Tip of the Day

Don't put turkey livers in the microwave. They can, and will explode.


JCo said…
Sounds like there is a great story behind this tip!
Jay said…
Gross. My Grandma eats turkey livers and other nasty seemingly inedible parts of the turkey. Sick.
vander said…
What's grosser than gross?

My grandpa used to take the baggie of guts that comes inside frozen whole turkeys and nibble on them raw. Just enough to make my mother turn four shades of nauseous, though, so it was really for entertainment value.
Jay said…
What is the deal with old people doing that? They like guts of animals. My grandma said she's eaten everything of a pig, except the ears. I believe her. She's even eaten pickled pig hooves. Sick.
JCo said…
I am amazed he was willing to go to such extremes for entertainment. Yuck.
Stephanie said…
*Stomach lurches*
Jay said…
By the way, we got my dog some pig ears to chew on. He loves them. It's a little weird for me to think that he's gnawing on a pig's ear. Disturbing.
Jay said…
My parents' home, technically. I still call it mine. :-)
Kris said…
No, no story, couldn't be, my dad would never do that!

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