Well it's official . Now that Wal-Mart & Warner Brothers have both agreed to exclusively support Blu-Ray, there is no longer a big question mark as to what will be the disc type for watching High Definition movies at home. The other competitor was "HD DVD", not to be confused with regular "DVD" that we know and love. This whole deal was just what would be the new standard for HD movies. Regular old DVD will still be with us for many years to come for sure, but if you want to watch the latest movies on your big widescreen TV, then you might want to consider Blu-Ray as it will take advantage of every last pixel.
Because if so, I've got some ideas I'd like to run by him...
- I learned that Pete is a shoe thrower/kicker (marks on the back of his closet). :-) Watch out, Jen.
- I found a half-used vial sample of Ralph Lauren Romance for Men in Jason's room.
- I also found plenty of hair samples on the stairs.
- I think it's funny that Matt never replied to your underwear comment! Wise double-post there, Jay.
Yes, I laughed out loud on some of these comments. Good show guys.