Tact Tip of the Day
The old adage, "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all" is true. If someone asks, tell them, but if they don't ask for your negative opinion, just keep it to yourself.
Here are some real life examples of what not to say:
Here are some real life examples of what not to say:
- You don't exercise much?
- What's up with your hair?...I don't like it.
- I like your hair better the other way.
- Do you have a cold? Is that why your nose is red?
- there is something hanging from someone's face or clothing
- mullets (they deserve what they get)
- mustaches (ditto)
There is a difference if you ask for others input - you get what you ask for. There is also a difference if it is a close friend who cares for you, but even then, you have to make sure it's not just taste.