Cinnamon Tip of the Day

If you are looking for a good party game for your next party or corporate picnic try the Cinnamon challenge. The cinnamon challenge basically entails taking a heaping spoonful of cinnamon and trying to eat the whole thing in something like a minute. It is surprisingly hard, don't believe me, try it.

You get extra points for shooting cinnamon dust out your nose.


JCo said…
Was this an attempt to rid your cupboards of multiple containers of cinnamon?
Pete said…
No, but that is a good point. If anyone needs Cinnamon for the Cinnamon Challenge we've got you covered.
Pete said…
UPDATE: After consulting the official Cinnamon Challenge rule book we have learned that there is actually no time limit on the Cinnamon Challenge. If you can actually do it in one sitting is good enough.
Anonymous said…
Ok gang, while this sounds really fun(and not to be too much of a buzz kill) but please be very careful doing this. The first basic thing is that cinnamon if in large dose will act like a laxitive, so I guess this is a fun joke to play on those that may not know. Now, if youre going for real kicks, try nutmeg ;) as it may make you see Mother Mary. OH! Also cinnamon can be not so good for diabetics...and there's all sorts of other interesting facts about cinn. Just remember to be careful with any type of herb. love your flower child, Odessa
Anonymous said…
Oh by the way, thanks for getting one of my fav musicians in my head-Neil Young. I think you must simply all listen to "Cinnamon Girl" while doing this competition. ;)
Jay said…
ODESSA! Oh, it's good to hear from you. We have missed you sorely!
Anonymous said…
Neil Young is the best. I especially like Revolution Blues

"ten million dunebuggies... comin' down the mountain..."
Pete said…
Wondering what this actually looks like

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