Marriagability Tip of the Day

If you do get her to agree to a first date, don't ask her "how do you like to be kissed?" Wew, altra (different from ultra) creepy alert just went off. Don't be worrying about kissing her this early on. Worry about getting to know her, making a good first impression, and finding out if she is a quality girl.

The only thing that could possible make this worse is if she hasn't even met you in person yet. Ugh, gross.


Kris said…
I couldn't agree more. Most girls are worried that the guy might try to kiss them on the first date. It's simply too much pressure when you're still trying to figure out how attracted you are to him in the first place!
LDB said…
Amen sister! PDAs too early on can confuse a girl...then you have a connection there even though you don't have attraction.
Stephanie said…
GREAT tip, Pete! I hold this one very close to my heart and will resist the strong urge to forward today's tip link to said nosy offender. ;-)
Jules said…
Steph - Can I forward it to him then?? He needs to know that he's... GROSS!
Stephanie said…
Heheh! Nah, that would be mean. I've already told him that it made me uncomfortable. I hope that got the point across!
Pete said…
Mini Tip of the Day: Have you ever noticed that little icon, that is an envelope with an arrow? Well no one really has, but it is the "Email to Friend" button, should the need arise.
Anonymous said…
The only answer I ever get to "How do you like to be kissed?" is a breathless "The way you kiss me!"

;) hahaha

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