Farmer's Market Tip of the Day

If you are the kind of person who never cooks, be wary of trips to the Farmer's Market. All that open-air ambiance will trick you into purchasing things you have no idea how to prepare. You will leave bags of vegetables on your countertop for three days before throwing them away and going to a restaurant. On the first day, you will flip through recipe books and daydream about food preparation. On the second day, you will forget you bought vegetables in the first place - until it's just dark enough out that you can't bear the thought of venturing to your local megastore to find hominy or lemongrass or some other froo-froo nonsense the recipe called for. On the third day, out of sheer mold panic, you will chop up all the vegetables, whatever they are, and attempt an on-the-fly stir fry adventure because at least that way you don't have to buy any new ingredients. This will not be successful. You will lament the fact that you did not go to the megastore for hominy. Had you gone to the megastore for hominy, you never would have found it, but you would have purchased diet cherry coke and microwave popcorn out of spite, so at least there'd be a little food in the house.

Not that this has ever happened to me or anything. P.S. Nice "second day" link, whoever souped up this post. Too bad there are no Biblical reference points for hominy. Manna, maybe.


JCo said…
My only question is...Steph, what are your comments about the farmer's market trip?
Stephanie said…
I dunno, but you can ask the two zucchini and one yellow squash that recently made the trip from countertop to refrigerator. ;-) Three of the other yellow squash made it into a very simple recipe earlier this week. And two ears of corn still await their destinies.

I tend to act on my recipe dreams fairly quickly, but this week I've been a little slow in the process!
CGrim said…
I dunno, but you can ask the two zucchini and one yellow squash that recently made the trip from countertop to refrigerator.

I was hoping this was leading to an "Ah! Talking zucchini!" punchline...

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