Gift Tip of the Day

Looking for a great gift for a pet-loving friend, especially a pet-loving friend who lives in a tragic locale that won't allow pets? Well, look no more. Wait until mid-summer, when the thermometer is rising, then strategically brush your own fluffy feline or canine friend. Collect the fluff from the brush, package it in a Ziploc bag and write your pet's name on the bag with a Sharpie. Tell the gift recipient that it's like they get to keep a piece of your furry, four-legged friend forever, minus the feeding, pooping and tearing up furniture. It's all the good things about a pet, minus all the bad! Or something.


Amanda said…
And then you can take said ziploc o' fur and mail it back to the person who put it in a gift exchange.
Jules said…
good one, amanda. if the person who received this (you??) didn't do this yet, they sooooo better.
Jay said…
Oh, they already did. It was a treasure to find in the mail.
CGrim said…
For extra realism, you probably could throw in some poop and some chewed up heirlooms if you want...
Amanda said…
Well, in addition to the bag o' fur, I also received a picture of an elephant's "load" aka poopie. So, Jay already got that one covered.

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