Text Message Tip of the Day

If you have a horrible cell phone that only lets you store 125 messages into memory keep on top of it or you may start to receive texts from people 3 days later from when they were sent.


JCo said…
Call me old fashioned, but I can't imagine having 125 text messages.
Amanda said…
I'm with jco. That's a lot of "texting" (that word's for you tvm).
Jay said…
I've reached that threshold too--my old phone would delete the oldest text to make room. This one gives me an incessant message that my inbox is filling up. Then it'll say, "I'm not going to receive this text message until you delete some sh**, fool!" Well, it's a little tamer than that. But it's happened!
CGrim said…
Mine complains, but then complies, because it knows the consequences!!!
Amanda said…
Nice use of alliteration.

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