Olympic Tip of the Day

Above: Torino 2006 Olympic Mascots. Yes, I know. Weirdest thing ever. If you happen to find yourself in charge of the Olympics, or in charge of graphic design for the Olympics, or on ANY committee that has to approve things like mascots for the Olympics, please use a little bit more sense and don't make weird things like this. I mean, what ARE these things? And why are they saying "UAUUUA!" I actually think that's the noise Peter makes when he's excited. I am thoroughly confused. Maybe this is something meaningful in a different culture, but I don't know how it could be.


Pete said…
Is that Cingular logo on the left?
JCo said…
I was thinking the same thing Peter. Maybe those little guys are screaming in Italian?
Anonymous said…
The 2008 Olympic mascots are already designed, too:

Kris said…
OK, not too much better, but at least they have distinct hands and feet!
Rachel C. Clay said…
Hey I kind of like the Beijing mascots. They are kind of cute...and definitely recognizable whereas these are just a weird adaption of the cingular logo!
Jay said…
I have info on the mascots, now that I am here! From the Torino handbook: "Neve, a delightful and charming ball of snow, and Gliz, a happy and lively cube of ice. They represent the Italian spirit for these Olympic Games. (Joy and enthusiasm). So, there we have it. That is what they are!
Pete said…
Wow, I believe this is the first instance of actual in-depth reporting done by Tip O Da Day. Now that is true dedication, flying all the way to Italy to get to the bottom of this one. Thanks for the update Jay!

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