Jet-lag Tip of the Day

Jet-lag can be hard to overcome. But if you follow my patented four step program, you'll find yourself refreshed and invigorated in no time at all after traveling.

1. Try to sleep a little bit on your plane ride over. It'll help pass the time.

2. The day you arrive, stay awake until the sun goes down.

3. Sleep in way late the next day. Try to get 12-14 hours of sleep.

4. Re-hydrate yourself by taking a long bath and drinking plenty of water. It'll help to flush your body of any toxins you may have accumulated from flying next to people without deodorant, or with mucussy coughs.

You will be good to go!


Jules said…
Boy it sure was nice of TodD to send Jason to Italy to gather all those tips! Who knew their budget was so big?
Anonymous said…
You'll be getting your bill in the mail any day now, Julie :)

Renew now for another year!
Pete said…
Ya, our budget has really gone up since we added those ads to the lower right hand of the page we've made a whopping $1.73.
Jay said…
I'm a little TO'd, speaking of the ads! Whatever the one is on THIS page, it got websensed for "Adult Content." GREAT. And I thought this site was PG. This is what my page looks like
Pete said…
Sorry Jay, I hope your next workplace doesn't have websense.

That's $1.73 total. For all time, not each day. And no, the TodD staff doesn't get it. It goes to my annual $100 bill for my hosting payment ( ain't free like is)

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