Holiday Tip of the Day

So you might be wondering how St. Patrick's day got elevated above and beyond so many other Saint's days. Like who knew there was a Saint David's Day? Well how do you create your own day? Well you already have your birthday, so that's a start. If you want an actual national holiday, the first thing you need to do is contact your local congress person. Get them to buy in on it, hopefully they'll be able to get it on the congressional agenda in a couple years and if you're lucky wait a couple more years and you may get something. The other option is, just kind of make up a holiday, to make it official looking get it trademarked. Then you could write a book, just so people know they need to color pumpkins pastel colors, drink red soda, kiss llamas or whatever it might take to properly celebrate your holiday, and you'll be all set.

Happy Campfire Founder's Day and Submarine Day to you all!


Rachel C. Clay said…
Great links in this post Pete! I went to the links for this month's holidays and I noticed that the 23rd is National Make Your Own Holiday Day. So, I think my holiday will be National Watch Alias Day. See, the 23rd is an Alias day and my roommate has informed me that I take my tv shows very seriously aka I won't talk to her except during the commercials. Though I think this might bother her, she has learned that it is just part of who I am and puts up with it. So, March 23 is National Watch Alias Day. :)
Pete said…
Wow, thanks Rach. I guess I should have posted this tip on the 23rd.

I am looking forward to Watch Alias Day!
Kris said…
Hmmm, where shall we celebrate?

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