Packing Tip of the Day

When packing for a long trip, don't forget to bring underwear.


Kris said…
That's really funny because that's the one thing I almost always forget when I go to my parent's house!
Pete said…
My brother had a string of forgetting his toothbrush. It went so long that his just stopped bringing his toothbrush on trips. A new trip = a new toothbrush.
Kris said…
I always travel with a new toothbrush. If you bring an old toothbrush, wrap it in a's a nice greenhouse for bacteria to grow. So, it's actually better the way your brother does it.
CGrim said…
Did you know: Human bites are one of the most dangerous bites (infection-wise) you can get, because of how much bacteria is in the human mouth.
CGrim said…

So this guy is sitting at a bar reading a newspaper, and a girl walks in and sits down next to him. Reading the headline over his shoulder, "12 Brazilian soldiers killed in accident," she comments, "Oh, that's so sad."

"It is sad," agrees the guy, with a perplexed look on his face. "How many is a brazilian, anyway?"
Pete said…

Brazil is the fifth largest country in the world. Previously inhabited in large part by Tupi and Guarani peoples, Brazil was colonized by the Portuguese, who imported large numbers of slaves from West Africa to work on sugar plantations. The country was proclaimed an independent empire in 1822 and became a republic after the overthrow of the monarchy in 1889.
CGrim said…
plus, "emperor of brazil" doesnt sound all that impressive
Jay said…
Ew. It's sick to think that a human bite could infect you with 12 brazilian bacteria. Gross. What does kissing do?

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