Relief Tip of the Day

For those of you who really want to help the Hurricane Katrina victims, but just aren't sure how, visit FEMA's web site. Besides having a list of many different charities to which you can donate, there are also tips from the Federal Trade Commission on how to make sure the charities to which you donate are legit. You can feel safe giving to well established "name brand" relief organizations such as the Salvation Army (1-800-SAL-ARMY). The bigger organizations also have a great amount of experience and infrastructure in dealing with these types of situations.

If you have a particular penchant for pets, visit Ways to help horses are on top, but if you scroll down, I've also included information on how to help all species of animals affected by Katrina.

RachNutt & Pete also contributed to this tip


JCo said…
And if you are still not sure where to send your money, I heard on Dr Dobson's show yesterday that you can send monetary donations to Focus on the Family and they in turn will send your money to organizations that they support and are confident the monies are used properly.
Kris said…
Fayette County employees are being encouraged to give through the United Way. If you are in a tight spot financially but still want to give, Wednesday, Sep. 7, there is a telathon being run, and you can help answer the phones.
859-313-5465 or emailing or go to for more information.

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