S'more Tip of the Day
One of the greatest challenges in going camping is not dodging rain or avoiding rabid bears, it is truly making the perfect S'more. After years of testing and research TodD labs have shown that the real trick is getting the chocolate soft. The first method we tried was putting the chocolate in your dryer but that just left a big mess. We had to continue our research, and found that everything you need it right there under the Hershey's wrapper. Use the foil wrapping to create a little reflector and put that on the ground by the fire (Fig. A). By the time you marshmallow is nicely toasted your chocolate will be nice and soft. Put the graham cracker on top and you've got the perfect S'more.

Figure A: A blurry picture, but is it just so dark out in the middle of nowhere
Editor's Note: We made it entirely through this tip with out making a single bad pun using "S'more" as a play on "some more"
Figure A: A blurry picture, but is it just so dark out in the middle of nowhere
Editor's Note: We made it entirely through this tip with out making a single bad pun using "S'more" as a play on "some more"
Hum, for some reason I am remembering my hair for about 3 days when I was growing up.