500th Tip of the Day
That's right folks. This here tip is our 500th tip ever. Through these 500 tips, we've learned what a tip really is. So have a look at several that we have found through the years:

The tip of a marker

A finger tip

On the tip of my tongue

"A good tipper after a good dinner" or "queer as a two dollar bill"

Tipping stuff over. (Happens alot around here)

Q-Tip aka Swisspers (disclaimer: This picture was simulated. Never stick anything smaller than your finger in your ear)

Tripp, er, ok I guess not

Tipper "But I hardly know her" Gore

Highlighted Tips

Um, no comment

Tip of the iceberg

Audi Tiptronic Gear Shift

Tip off

Wing Tip Shoes

Tip Toes

Cow Tipping

Tipped Off
Then finally, the type of tip we're most used to around here:
The tip of a marker
A finger tip
On the tip of my tongue
"A good tipper after a good dinner" or "queer as a two dollar bill"
Tipping stuff over. (Happens alot around here)
Q-Tip aka Swisspers (disclaimer: This picture was simulated. Never stick anything smaller than your finger in your ear)
Tripp, er, ok I guess not
Tipper "But I hardly know her" Gore
Highlighted Tips
Um, no comment
Tip of the iceberg
Audi Tiptronic Gear Shift
Tip off
Wing Tip Shoes
Tip Toes
Cow Tipping
Tipped Off
Then finally, the type of tip we're most used to around here:
can we have cake?