Organic Tip of the Day

Wan't to eat better, but can't bring yourself to sever ties with your beloved junk food? Consider trying the "Natural and Organic Snacks" from Frito-Lay. It's basically just organic versions of some of their regular product lines, and they only cost a little more than the regular versions.

And the Doritos are surprisingly good, considering they're made out of organic corn, expeller-pressed sunflower oil, fairy kisses, and moonbeams.


Kris said…
I hear 7-up has also gone organic. They've taken out all of the ingredients except 5? So, my question is...if they've removed most of the ingredients, is it still really 7-up?
Pete said…
Maybe it's just 5-up now
CGrim said…
apparently, it's not for certain that 7-up is even named for the number of ingredients:
Unknown said…
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