Hot Tub Tip of the Day

Have a friend who is not throwing enough hot tub parties? No problem. If you can make it past the front desk without a hitch the Mariott Fairfield Inn has a pool and a hot tub for your own personal use.

Disclaimer: Pete & Jay Enterprises does not endorse trespassing, especially to use recreational equipment.


Jay said…
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Jay said…
What about trampolines?
Jules said…
I think it's funny how many instances Jason has had recently of removing a comment after posting it. Jay are you just not thinking thru things first, or are you spending a good portion of your afternoons hammered and surfing blogs? Ah, commentor's remorse.
Jay said…
It's a process of self-censorship I've been waiting my whole life to develop. It's only now beginning to work. And it has a few kinks. :-)

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