Dogsitting Tip of the Day

If you ever are keeping a watchful eye on more than one dog and you cease to hear "jingle jingle jingle," "grrrrr," "jingle jingle jingle," "grooowwwwl," "thump thump thump," "scratch scratch scratch," you can basically count on the fact that they have gotten into trouble. Yes, it will be bad. Most likely, one dog or the other will look like this and the other will have run off.


Pete said…
Ahhh. That thing is scary. I am going to have nightmares.
Jules said…
I am extremely unhappy to have checked TodD this morning. *frowning*

If you'd like to see the cutest dog in the world, to replace this horrific image, you can visit MY blog. :)
Kris said…
Is that thing some sort of giant rat or something? Gross!
CGrim said…
uhhh, I think the dentist is the least of that dog's worries...

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