GRE Tip of the Day

When scheduling your GRE test beware of overestimating your abilities. For example, if you look at your calander and notice that for four days you will be on a charter bus with 150 seventh graders seeing every possible sight there is to see in Chicago, consider that this might hinder your ability to test well for at least 2-3 days. It would be best then, if you return late Saturday night to schedule the GRE for sometime after Tuesday or Wednesday, not Monday morning. Even with loads of sleep, you probably still aren't yourself after 36 hours and therefore will find that you do not react or think at your normal speed. This of course can hurt your GRE performance since it is a timed test. The bottom line...a month in advance you think you can do anything, but remember that you will be the same person with the same limitations in 30, 60, or even 100 days.

Of course another great GRE tip--enroll in a program that doesn't require the GRE!!!


Rachel C. Clay said…
Another interesting thing about the GRE. Most colleges don't care! When I called one of my prosepective graduate schools they said that the GRE is usually the last thing they look at when deciding whether or not to accept you. So it makes you wonder why you have to spend over 100 dollars on a test no one cares about anyway!!!!
nancy john said…
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