Neckwear Tip of the Day
I find it frustrating that dressing up for men innately involves wearing a tie. (I won't complain too loudly because I'd much rather wear a tie than a bra.) But, nonetheless, why can't we express ourselves, wear something more interesting for dressing up? I think that to answer this question, many men have made some egregious mistakes in their neckwear choices. Generally these men work in Information Services, for Helpdesks around the world, or in a computer field in general. Basically, you should know that it is almost NEVER appropriate to wear novelty ties. Novelty ties include, but are not limited to the following contents: harps, piano keyboards, computers, computers with rats that are supposed to be metaphors for a "mouse" on a computer, Veggie Tales, Disney characters, scantily-clad women, Star Wars/Star Trek, paisley patterns, polka dots and the like. These ties should be put through your shredder at work. (If you're afraid of breaking the shredder, don't worry.) If you've worn such a tie, and actually gotten a compliment, you're being lied to, unless the person is also wearing a novelty tie, in which case, you both have poor taste!
I don't always agree with fashion trends, that's for sure. Remember thigh-highs? Yeah. Low-slung cargos with two inches of your skivvies showing? Need I say more?
Another thing about ties, although there has probably been a time when a bad tie has made me run the other direction, I can't recall a time when a tie actually attracted me to someone either, so I don't know if so much time and energy should be put into choosing one (sorry Jay, I know how you love your ties.)
And finally, I find it very interesting that you pick on "those who work with computers." Don't you, and most of your friends (who wear ties) work with computers?
And about showering your dad with ties--yes, we've totally done the same! Except that poor man has about 25 ties with an equestrian theme (all understated, non-corny, and aristocratic-looking, in my opinion). He said they reminded him why he was at work (supporting our horse habit). And once, I gave my brother a Tommy Hilfiger tie with little penguins and igloos, and it's actually very cool. So there are exceptions to the rule, I believe! ;-)
I second the motion on daring to wear dots!
Once you're a dad, I think you earn the right to look like a dork with piano key neck ties and such. After all, you have the best excuse in the world..."It was a gift from my kid"
Now, I am assuming that when you mention wearing a tie that you mean on the neck. Have you forgotten the trend setters of the 80's? c'mon it was the versitle tie-worn around your head as a sweatband, long hair out of your eyes rebellious look that had women swooning "now THATS how you flirt"...what WERE women thinking?