Fruit Tip of the Day

In America, we tend to think that we know every kind of fruit. Apples, bananas, grapes, oranges, and if you want to get exotic, mangoes, papayas, passion fruit, etc. But, when you visit a foreign country, you'll be shocked and amazed that there are many more fruits and veggies that somehow you've NEVER seen! One such fruit is known in the DR as a limoncio. It's a lime-sized green fruit on a stick that requires breaking its skin, which causes the fruit to pop out. you then eat a slimy Starburst-flavored fruit off of a large pit. The kids called these things "snot rockets" and for good reason, but they did taste good! Another vegetable was a root known a yucca. When deep fried, these things were better than french fries! So, at Kroger, if you see an odd fruit or vegetable, give 'er a try!


Kris said…
I tend to be more fond of fruits than offense to the yucca.
Jay said…
OK, Kyle. :-). JK, but seriously. I like fruit better too, but yucca is where it's at!
Stephanie said…
Has anyone ever had fried plantains? YUM!
CGrim said…
Or fried peaches? Yum^2
Pete said…
Is funnel a vegetable? Cause I really like deep-fried funnel cake.

Random Fact O Da Day: Funnel Cake is of a Pennsylvania Dutch origin.
Kris said…
So what I'm getting is that we like fried? What about deep fried oreos, anyone ever had those?
JCo said…
Or deep fried Twinkies? Which, by the way, I think sound incredibly nasty.
Pete said…
I think the only thing you want to dip Oreos in is milk. I'll keep my deep fried fat on things that actually need to be improved.

Have you tried the fried Twinkies? Cause it does sound nasty but I don't know of anyone who's actually braved it.
Stephanie said…
I've tried Twinkie Bread Pudding, but not fried Twinkies.

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