Goat Tip of the Day

If you're someone who gets squeamish at the sight of roadkill, or a teenaged girly girl, you'll want to heed this advice. Do NOT ride in a front or window seat on a bus while traveling in a third-world country. It just so happened that on my trip, the girliest of all girly girls were sitting in the front of the bus. We're driving along the interstate, when suddenly we see goats trying to cross the road! Our Dominican driver slammed on his brakes and tried to steer to avoid the ensuing carnage, but was unable to, and with a loud smashing sound, nailed the goat, much to the girly girls' dismay. There was a shriek of panic, and many tears shed by the girls, but the fate for the goat, I'm sure, was far worse. So, my advice is, if things like that freak you out, you're better off not seeing.


Jules said…
I'm not a teenage girlie girl, nor am I overly squemish (if I do say so myself). But I probably would have shed a few tears for the goat as well. You don't have to to be a young girl or have a weak stomach to feel something when you watch a life being taken away--just a heart.

Ok, point taken. Maybe I will stay in the back of the bus next time I find myself in that situation.
CGrim said…
meanwhile, I bet you laughed and laughed, didnt you?
Pete said…
Ok, your not teenaged.
Jay said…
Citizen Grim, along with every other male on the bus, yes, I laughed out loud--at the girls' response, not the actual carnage. For the record, I do have a heart. I cried in Titanic. To me there's a difference between hitting someone's pet, and something that's more like a possum.
Kris said…
Seriously? I thought teenaged girls were the ones who cried when Leonardo died?
vander said…
Oh, who gave two flips about Leo by the end? He was all blue and shivery. But the string quartet who solemnly played "Nearer, My God to Thee" while panicked passengers ran for lifeboats - yeesh, that'll get you.

It wouldn't be the same if they played that for the goat, though.
Jay said…
I think Teresa PERFECTLY sums up what I was trying to say. There's something FAR different about a person, a group of people, or even your pet that you love dying. And you're right Teresa...the Titanic editing, music, etc. was what did it. That and I was with a girl I liked. It was emotional.
CGrim said…
"Where's the goat??"
- Jurassic Park
Kris said…
Thanks for clearing that up Vandermolen! I just remember two hours into the movie, the film burned, and we had to sit for an hour while they got a new reel on, so it had been 4 hours by the time the ship went down. Then I had to giggle when the girls next to me (and I was 17), started to sob about Leo. Yes, the string quartet, I wouldn't have laughed, if that's what they were crying for; that was touching.

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