Marriagability Tip of the Day

Girls, do not wait until prince charming magically appears to buy things for your kitchen. I don't cook (ever) but have noticed this trend in young women who do. Some things should wait for marriage (ahem), but buying a KitchenAid mixer? Go for it. If you DO get married, I can pretty much guarantee the groom-to-be is not going to give two flips about registering for one. Unless he's an amazing chef, in which case he would've gone out and bought his own mixer, because men are apparently allowed to do that. Same principle applies for matching dishes, small appliances and "real" furniture. None of that junk is super important, but if your sole reason for holding out is the hope of eventual matrimony, sweetie, you got problems.


Pete said…
Funny this came up, my sister is actually getting one for her birthday tomorrow. Shhh, don't tell her.
vander said…
Ooh, what color?
JCo said…
And does it match any of her sequined sandles?
Pete said…
It does match, it actually matches lots of her stuff, it is pink.
Pete said…
Keiser brings up a good point, we might very well have a tip that addresses that. (You can use our brand new handy dandy search box on the right to find out.) Which leads me to think, "how many tips are possible". Will we one day run out of things to possible make tips about?
Stephanie said…
Pete, your sister's getting a Kitchenaid!?!? Oh my gosh, I'm jealous.
Jules said…
it does seem ridiculous Blair, until you realize how amazing they are. You can still get the scaled down model, without all the toys, for under $200 (under $150 if there is a sale). Since it will last you FOREVER and make the lives of frequent bakers immensely easier, it's really not that crazy of an investment.

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