Audio Tip of the Day

You may think this tip only applies to my fellow media geeks, but the underarching principle applies to all of us. In fact, most media geeks have probably already learned this lesson the hard way. If you're on a film shoot, it's obviously imperative to check audio levels with a set of headphones. Now, when this step approaches, if you think, "shoot, I can't find my headphones," don't do what I did last Thursday and say, "Well, the levels should be fine. I think it's set to auto-attenuate." (follow link and scroll for definition) If for no other reason than BECAUSE you said it, your levels WILL be too hot, and you will need to reshoot everything. Folks, this applies to every area of life. If you realize you're skimping, and do so blatantly, Murphy's Law tells us that something WILL go wrong. And believe me, guys, I'm an optimist. If in a bind, I urge you to look for the proverbial headphones, lest you sacrifice the proverbial footage.


Anonymous said…
Aaaahhh, you and Peter look so young in that picture of you with the headphones. Cuteness.
Jay said…
Anonymous, show yourself and Peter and I both will take you out for a night on the town :-)
JCo said…
I like the Murphy's Law list. How true!
Rachel C. Clay said…
Oh my goodness! You guys do look young! Love the Murphy's Law list. So so true!
vander said…
Anonymous, I'd take them up on that night-on-the-town thing. Judging by the looks of that headphone picture, all three of you could eat at Chuck E Cheese for a song. How old IS that picture, anyway? (I will echo the cuteness. Insert virtual cheek-pinching here.)
Anonymous said…
I'll tell you, you look cute for a night on the town with the two of you! :-)
Kris said…
Definately up there on the adorable scale.
Amanda said…
It was me. So, when are we going "out on the town"?
Pete said…
For the record that picture is 3 years old

Any references to us being cute are appreciated, even if it's because we look like kids, keep up the good work!

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