Greenhouse Tip of the Day

And by this I mean the Greenhouse Effect, kids. It's obvious certain things shouldn't be left in the car this time of year (among them dairy products, electronics, and anything that breathes). Other things you might not be so quick to remember. Take, for example, a $15 bottle of Olive Oil from Williams-Sonoma sitting in a gift basket for some friends who just got married. I knew something smelled like it was cooking in the backseat for a couple of commutes. Luckily, the pricey cooking medium got on nothing important but the leather seats, and we all know they could use a little conditioning every now and again. Truly, this could've been a much uglier experience--the cork on the bottle did not pop. So is there anything that's likely to cook in your vehicle's back seat? Bring it inside, man.


Jay said…
THAT STINKS! Oddly, Pete and I had to transport over 3 dozen Ale-8s to work to take to the party tonight, and Peter urged me to take them OUT of the car first. Good thing I did! We would've had a MESS to clean up!
Jay said…
In other news, do NOT leave your iPod in cars either. Yesterday afternoon I left my iPod in its Belkin TuneDok cup holder, and when I came out to the car, it had shut itself down (which it doesn't usually do) and also the screen background was close to the same color of the text! It was a little fried for awhile. Like most Apple products, it was quality and resilient, and quickly bounced back...but that can NOT have been good for it!
Anonymous said…
I left 2 12 packs of Dr. Pepper in my Dodge Caravan a couple of summers ago. They exploded all over the place. People would remark for months about the brown spots on my ceiling. Dr. Pepper spots are hard to remove.

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