Mac Tip of the Day

Sick and tired of time lost to mounting superfluous drives? OK, you may not realize it, but you're probably costing your company ten seconds a day. I mean it. If you regularly connect to a server on your Mac, you painstakingly have to mount it, login, put in your password--all on a daily basis. That's ten seconds every day you could be using to comment on our tips. Well, we've come up with a snazzy workaround for you. That's can have a volume automatically load on restart in Mac OS X. To do it, mount the volume you want to load. (You can stop reading now if you thinking "mounting" only applies to horses.) Then, go under System Prefs > Accounts > Startup Items and drag the volume into the startup items. Everytime you restart, it'll load that volume! Take a second to brainstorm about what you can do with all this saved time. You could make sure you put on deodorant or have your shirt tucked into your underwear. :-)


Anonymous said…
Great post, but it is missing one key ingredient. When you are preparing to mount the volume, and it is asking for your username and password, you have to click Options and select "Add Password to Keychain." This wil allow the volume to be loaded automatically at startup/login once you have placed the volume in the startup items. If you do not select this option, you will be prompted for username and password, which means manual entry. For security, it might be best to leave the username/password out, but if you are the only one with access to your user account, this will save you at least a couple of seconds. All the more time to be put toward something useful.

Your's Truly,
A fellow mac geek.

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