Weapon Tip of the Day

If you ever encounter two feisty cats in a stand off, remember a broom is a great weapon to break up the excitement.

Compliments of Jen and Renee and their cat kennel.


Jay said…
OK, those links have obliterated ANY urge for me to buy a cat :-). Does anyone know where I can get a sugar glider? I want one REAL bad!
Stephanie said…
How does something clearly crunching on a grub inside the house classify as something you'd like more than a cat?
Pete said…
I especially enjoy the chicken and demon possessed pictures.
Amanda said…
Unrelated to the cat fights, I have a question. What is purevolume.com (where the free songs often come from)? I looked on the site and couldn't really figure it out. Is this legal?
Pete said…
PureVolume is a site where artists and their labels can post info and songs in order to help gain exposure. It is a legit operation. All of our "Good Free MP3s" are "Good Free Legal MP3s" whether their source is PureVolume or not.
Jay said…
But he (the sugar glider) is just so cute! I still want a cat, too though. And a dog. I want a veritable menagerie of a cornucopia of pets! Don't y'all think the glider is so cute???
Stephanie said…
"Viva La Glider!". You can buy "bonding pouches" for them there too, Jay. Whatever the heck a bonding pouch is!

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